A series of posters and broasdsides collectively titled Avoid Eye Contact, most of which lean in a darkly humorous dystopian direction. They are artifacts from the Brave New Homeland. “You may be at risk for extermination, redemption, extinction, or salvation. Do not leave your body unattended at any time.”
words: Melody Sumner Carnahan design/illustration: Michael Sumner
Your neighbors, clients, and relatives will finally see who you really are when you put up one of these archival fine art posters printed on Epson Premium Luster paper with Epson UltraChrome K3 inks. 36"x24" $100.00 / 19"x13" $25.00 Plus tax & shipping. Prices unframed.
ACHTUNG! Become a distributor of the "All Citizens MUST" handbill. When you buy ANY 19 x 13 or 36 x 24 inch poster, you will also receive twelve copies of the 8.5 x 11 in. "All Citizens MUST" handbill free. Post them in your workplace and elsewhere to encourage those who may not yet be aware of the new regulations to adjust their behavior accordingly.
3 copiesof the"All Citizens MUST"8.5 x 11 in. handbill are now $1.50 (shipping included). For a long time we were offering them free to anyone who requested one. It was fun while it lasted. Unfortunately we have to give up the "free" part now because envelopes, postage, and printing costs money. The dollar and a half helps us at least tread water. Thanks.
TO ORDER: >> CLICK HERE Tell us what you're interested in and we'll figure out the shipping details. You can then pay by PayPal, or mail us a check. (Do people still use checks?)